Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Terrible Time for Muskrats

This is the time of year when young muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) get pushed out of their parents’ houses and are forced to look for their own territory.  The poor near-sighted guys strike out on their own, leaving the marshes, ponds and lakes of their birth behind.  Unfortunately as they travel far and wide they don’t go unnoticed by red-tailed hawks and coyotes, but perhaps their greatest enemy is rubber.  One day on my way from Oshkosh to Green Bay I counted 18 flattened brown fur balls on just one side of the highway.  So if you happen to see a fat brown mammal with a naked tail running through your yard, have no fear, it’s just a muskrat looking for a new home, and a little love.

I thought I’d spare you a photo of muskrat hamburger todayJ


  1. Muskrats are a feisty little bunch. Don't go close enough to give it love. In Marty Stouffer's Wild America series, the episode on the Muskrat includes one attacking a Moose.

  2. Muskrat love can be a dangerous thing.
